Monday, August 4, 2008

Daddy's Home!

What a fun week we had with Daddy at home for 10 whole days! We're trying out a new schedule where Greg is in Houston for 12 days then home for sure was nice having him here for a long stretch. Here's a picture of Carson waking up to find his Daddy at home.

Daddy got to take Carson to school, play at the park, take bike rides, visit with all of the grandparents and of course, he was very impressed with Carson's new swimming skills. We went to Largo Park on Sunday. Not only is it one of our favorite playgrounds, but once a month, they offer miniature train rides that wind through the beautifully landscaped park. I don't know what it is about kids and trains, but they sure do dig them! Click the play button to see the train in action...

Playing soccer in the park...


kimberly said...

it is so cute to see the reaction Carson gives his daddy when he sees him having sort of grown up around Greg its awesome to see what a great man, husband and father he has become!

Anonymous said...

I wanna ride that train! how cool!