Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Remembering Amber

Thirteen years ago, a great lady gave me a wonderful gift. Sonya, my boss at the time and friend still today bought me a Vizsla puppy for Christmas. Amber was the first dog of my very own and quickly grew into a sweet, leggy, redheaded bundle of energy. She topped out at around 45 pounds and never gave up her lap dog status. With training and much time, she became a great dog whose best trick was to run outside to the curb and bring in the newspaper for me. Such a character ~ she loved to eat, especially all things forbidden: a whole loaf of bread, crayons, bananas (peel and all,) my birthday cake, etc. Amber loved Greg's favorite chair and although she was most comfortable indoors, she loved flying through the doggy door to check out her yard. When we moved back to Florida, she stayed with my parents so she could still enjoy her indoor/outdoor lifestyle while we lived in our condo. Recently, Amber's health quickly declined due to an adrenal tumor and kidney failure. We brought her home with us to make every attempt to treat her symptoms with medication (due to her age, she was not a candidate for surgery.) We were so hopeful that she would pull through, but sadly on Monday February 4th, we knew in our hearts that her suffering was too great. These few weeks were such a blessing as we had our last little bit of time to love on her and say goodbye. My hope is that along with Yoshi and Oscar, she is my sister Lauren's heavenly lap dog...


Cheryl said...

So sorry to hear about your loss of Amber. I know you will remember her with fond memories and smiles.

JessicaB said...

We will miss Amber so much, she was such a sweetie. I remember her coming out to the patio where we were having our first small group years ago, pacing, and finally curling up facing away from all of us. She was upset to not have a spot on anyone's lap! So sorry you have lost your sweet girl. We are thinking of you.

Erica said...

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Jess. Amber was such a sweet girl. She was always so happy to greet us every time we came to your home. What an amazing gift to have shared 13 years with such a dear friend and loyal companion! I can only imagine the sadness/loss you are feeling. I am praying for you.

Marianne said...

Boo! I am so sad to hear about Amber. I remember house sitting and thinking that Amber was going to bolt down the street, but then she got the newspaper and came right back. We had such a nice time with her that weekend. She was a sweet dog.

Anonymous said...

There will not be a day when I will not forget Yosh,Oscar & Amber.
I will never forget the day when Greg asked me to dogsit. I was still working 12hr days & Greg said that Yosh & Oscar only had to got to the bathroom in the A.M. & they would be OK. When I got home they would jump all over me as if to say ( Time to go outside), they will be missed.

Anonymous said...

Amber was one of the sweetest dogs i have seen. The first thing that always pops into my head when i visit Greg's place is playing with Amber. I can really see the loss. My prayers are there for you all.

Anonymous said...

Amber had a great life and she will be remembered fondly as our "supermodel" she was elegant,lean and beautiful and could eat whatever she wanted and always stay thin. A loving, sweet dog with a great personality, She always greeted everyone with that funny howling yodel.