It's been a busy month in our house with Mia growing so fast and Carson hitting three big milestones. Carson decided that he no longer needs his booster seat at the dining room table. This is great except for the part where he hops out of his chair after every bite to take a lap around the house or grab a different toy. Getting through a meal can be quite a lengthy process.
The second milestone happened during our bedtime prayers. Normally Greg and I say prayers for him and he ends with it for us with a very dramatic "Amen." One night, when I started it off, he interrupted me saying, "I want to talk to God." He proceeded to give thanks for Mommy, Daddy, Mia, Grandmas and Grandpas and Uncle Keevie and Uncle's dog Pippin. Every night since, he has shortened his prayer to, "Thank you God for Uncle Mark and everybody."
He has really taken a shine to his Uncle Mark. It took me a little while to realize that instead of saying, "On your mark, get set, go! he says, Uncle Mark, get set, go!" So cute.
We have been working on potty training for a while now, but he really seems to be ready suddenly. His new trick is to sit down, pee pee two drops, jump up and scream, "I peeeeeed!" Then he empties the potty in the toilet and flushes. High fives all around. Then the process starts over and over and over and over. Our water bill will reflect this routine I'm sure, but well worth it. Be sure to check the video clip of the victory...the end is hilarious when he accidentally puts the pee in the wrong place.
Deep concentration...